Family in new home

Specialty Mortgage Programs

DFCU Financial is pleased to offer a variety of mortgage programs to meet the needs of our members. Our specialty programs are designed to help make homeownership a little easier.

Gratitude Mortgage Program

If there’s one thing recent history has taught us, it’s the importance of the heroes who protect and serve our communities. We appreciate the hard work and dedication of the education, law enforcement, fire department, healthcare, emergency services and military personnel in our communities. That's why we developed our Gratitude Mortgage. Our Gratitude Mortgage offers:

  • A down payment as low as 1%
  • No PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) required
  • Loan amounts up to $806,500
  • 7 and 10 year ARM (adjustable rate mortgage) products
  • Cash Back* program eligibility

Gratitude Mortgage Program Terms and Conditions


Doctor Mortgage Program

Whether you’re an MD, DO, DDS, DC, DMD, or a DVM, we appreciate your hard work and dedication. But we also understand the challenges physicians can sometimes face in securing a home loan, so we're pleased to offer a mortgage program specifically geared to help. Our Doctor Mortgage offers:

  • A down payment as low as 0%
  • DTI (Debt to Income) ratio up to 43%
  • No PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) required
  • Loan amounts up to $1.75M
  • 7 and 10 year ARM products
  • Cash Back* program eligibility

Diamond Mortgage Program

Members who are fortunate enough to have a significant level of assets have many choices when it comes to maximizing their finances. That’s why we’re pleased to have DFCU Financial Partners2 available to help. It’s also why we created our Diamond Mortgage program. If you’re looking to move and it makes more sense to finance instead of using invested assets, the Diamond Mortgage program may be right for you. Our Diamond Mortgage offers:

  • A down payment as low as 0%
  • Loan amounts up to $1.5M
  • No PMI (Private Mortgage Insurance) required
  • 5 and 7 year ARM products
  • Cash Back* program eligibility

These programs are our way of saying thank you for entrusting us with a significant part of your finances. We appreciate your loyalty and look forward to helping you with your home financing needs!

 2   Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services, L.P. (“CFS”), a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured, are not guaranteed or obligations of the credit union, and may involve risk including possible loss of principle. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. DFCU Financial has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members. DFCU Financial Partners is a division of DFCU Financial.